Sunday 1 November 2015

Planning Lighting- Miss.Georgiou

Lighting and colour within a music video is used to portray both the mood and feel of a music video. The changing colour can have connotations with hidden meanings, perhaps black and white to show a memory and also high key lighting to show a happy part of the video and low key lighting to express dark themes within the video. It is also  is important for a music video as it helps the audience believe that the scene is realistic if natural lighting has been used. If colour filters have been used it could make the scene more effective.The use of different lighting can completely change a scene as we tend to associate different types of lighting with different emotions or settings, for example low key lighting often identified with the dance genre in relation to the music video as party atmosphere is quite often is not always always have an element of low key lighting.

Strobe/neon lighting  is the start of lighting that's we most definitely plan on using within our music video. The last majority Office lighting will be created during the icing face however in order to make the music video as authentic as possible I will try to incorporate the style of writing while filming. From doing our research we found that the style of lighting is extremely conventional to the dance genre, it is most often used within club settings or party settings need to be house in order to make the audience feel as if they are part of the music video and are in that setting. Reason for including this lighting within our own music video is for the same reason as we to have decided to include scenes of clubbing and partying so we wish to portray the same emotions to our target audience. The start of lighting will most likely be used within the biggest scene where the artist is seen to be sitting in an office thinking of the possibility of going out and clubbing. Reason for its use is to show the audience the contrast of the office setting which many of the audience will be able to relate to as well as the club setting which again is quite relatable. Blasting colour helps to represent our artist as more outgoing and boisterous as it shows the audience that the party lifestyle is his preferred preference in relation to the contrast of the work and party environment, this may also make him seem more releasable to the target audience as generally nice people prefer to party then work.

Additionally we  plan on using high key lighting in various parts of the music video. The use of high key lighting will be within the office setting as well as some of the possible date scenes. The style of lighting is not necessarily classified as conventional all unconventional however upon research depending on style of dance genre the dusts there is always an element of high key lighting on natural lighting as the whole music dear could not be found in love you lysing so therefore this lighting is essential which may therefore make it to conventional. This of this lighting represents our artists in more of a positive manner one also highlighting his success and high status as it makes it clearer to the audience of the environment much is it for example the guardian, this may then adds to the aspirations nutrients previously have of the coming something like the artist. As previously mentioned target audience is teenagers and young adults which may not have the opportunity of possibility to work in a similar environment which The lighting continues to highlight as well as the watch or pieces of jewellery which will be seen throughout the music video. All in all this makes the artists not necessarily relatable however as previously mentioned you audience will continue to strive to be something like the artist which adds further appeal.

There will also be low-key lighting used within our music video, this will be used in all of the clubbing or partying scenes as well as possibly some of the dates scenes however this is not certain yet. Low key  lighting is most definitely  a conventional to the dance genre as almost every dance music video contains some sort of clubbing or partying scene watch therefore requires low-key lighting in order to highlight other elements of lighting such as strobe or neon lighting which we have previously said we intend to use so therefore this style of writing is essential to make a music video more conventional as well as More functional for other elements of lighting. Then low key lighting is not essential to the representation of an artist however it does add that's our artists like to enjoy him self in their use extravagant settings.

As well as lighting is an on reasonable you give also decided to notes the most used colours that will be used within on music do you know which ultimately will have some sort of representation of the artists. The colours that will predominantly be used our black blue grey and white, they will be using different elements such as iconography clothing and the setting. These colours signify different things for example they tend to be more professional colours for example the black-and-white we used in relation to the clothing the artist be wearing at the office setting, these both signify professionalism which is essential to the representation of our artists as this is a key element prides himself on. In contrast there will also be other more colourful vibrant colours such as orange red et cetera used within the clubbing or party scenes, these colours are often associated with that with those exact settings which also shows the audience a different carefree side to the artists which shows he likes to enjoy him self at times too. The initial colours such as the black blue grey and white and not necessarily considered a conventional to dance as generally colours within this genre tend to be more colourful and vibrant as dance music is quite lively which these colours represent however there is still use of these colours which therefore makes our music video still conventional.

As mentioned brothers post target audience for continuing to build a great relationship with the artist for the use of lighting colours, for example in reference to the strobe lighting the audience will be able to see the artist and a different manner as these colours reflect the artists as being more outgoing and extravagance which is a complete contrast to the previous setting what shall be in the office which shows him as extremely professional. The high key lighting also highlights this as the spills upon the relationship of the audience aspiring to be more like him as we can see him acting in a professional manner is in which both genders Will find appealing.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some proficient planning techniques of the various lighting styles and colours that you wish to include within your music video. You have considered some styles and have started to consider the dance conventions that you wish to include.

    1) Check SPAG
    2) Add images to support the points that you have made
    3) Discuss the ways in which your audience can build a relationship with your artist
