Friday 23 October 2015

Lyric analysis

The purpose of analysing the lyrics of our song  "I Know" by Shift K3Y is to fully understand the emotion or concepts that artist is trying to convey to his target audience. This then helps my group and myself as when planning our music video we then need to ensure that we too are conveying the same emotions so the target audience get a similar feeling when watching the video.This demonstrates certain planning techniques as it from the analysis we were able at what points of the song we wanted certain lighting, cinematography and miss en scene elements. For example throughout the club setting we decided as a group to use the club/party scene due to the lyrics and tempo of the song at this point.

Within the lyrics the overall message of the song is that the artist is not the type of girl that the woman is looking for how however despite this he still feels that he is better than another man she has come across before and he now wants to be able to prove that to her.In relation to how my group as annotated the lyric, we have written next to certain parts of the lyrics the various things we have decided to include at the point of out music video, for example at the start of lyrics we have annotated that the setting for this will be within the Gherkin.

The annotations that we have made on our lyrics will assist with the various genre codes and conventions, we are able to decide at which point of the song we would like numerous conventions such as fast paced editing to be incorporated within our music video. We were also able to determine which sections of the song we wanted the club setting to be shown in as it was clear that it was in fact a major convention of the dance genre.Again by annotating the lyrics were able to clearly label which part of the song we wanted the strobe lighting to be apart of, this may fit in with the lyrics of the song or the tempo of the song at that particular moment which makes the use of strobe lighting relevant. We were also able to annotate roughly were wanted certain types of cinematography to be used within our music video, for example we want to use a over the shoulder shot in the first chorus as what is shown in this scene will set the narrative for the rest of the video.We have also annotated that we would like to use a panning shot later on in the lyrics of the song to show the viewers a view of London, this helps us clearly plan where want to use certain shots.In regards to the editing styles, we repeatedly annotated the editing techniques that we plan on including within our music video such as fast paced editing that previously mentioned is annotated during the first chorus to give us an indication as to where we would like to use this, additionally we have also clearly annotated a jump cut to be used again within the first or second chorus.

Throughout the lyrics we have estimated at which points in the video the various settings we have plan on using will shown at, this will hopefully allow us to plan our music video further in regards to making sure there is space for all the settings to be used.Costume,hair and make up have not been annotated within the lyrics as we felt as a group that it was not necessary to include it with the lyrics and should instead be planned elsewhere to clearly layout what costumes will be needed for each setting.Facial expressions has also not been mentioned within the lyrics as the lyrics are extremely repetitive so if we decide to link to them to lyrics it will not be able to be applied to all instance so alternatively again we will plan this else where most likely in the planning of the cinematography as we will want to plan what body language or facial expressions will need to be seen in the shot.However lighting and colour has been mentioned a little as we have shown that we want to include strobe lighting and low key lighting in certain parts of the music video in order to relate to genre conventions.Positioning of characters has also not been mentioned within the lyrics as we feel it is not applicable here. The music video style will primarily be narrative as we feel that this style of music is most suited to this style of music video and that also we can create an excellent narrative that will engage the audience. The artists and audiences relationship will hopefully evolve through the music video as the target audience start to become more envolved with the narrative and start feel become as if they actually know the artist. Throughout the planning of our music video we must keep the target audience in mind as ultimately we are creating this music video for them so it must be appealing to them, factors such as creating a closer relationship between the artist and them will hopefully make the video seem more appealing.

In conclusion the annotations we have made on our lyrics will help us to create a more in depth story board as the point we have written alongside the lyrics act almost as a complete of how we plan to structure our music video. This in turn will make it far more easier when making out storyboards as the annotations almost act as timed plan of how we want to create our music video, so when creating the storyboards we can just refer back to the annotated lyrics which therefore makes our story board more accurately structured. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some planning techniques. You have made a start in considering some of the hidden meanings behind your chosen song and how you visualise your production to take place. You have also made a start in considering some of the micro elements, but you need to ensure that you have explored all these points and detailed examples throughout.

    1) Relate your planning points back to the lyrics
    2) Include points on how you will create a conventional dance music video, by focusing on the codes and conventions
    3) Elaborate on the mise-en-scene points that you have included, by relating to detailed examples
    4) Consider the style of your production and how this will help to build a relationship with your audience
