Thursday 8 October 2015

Target Audience Results

Research was carried out in order to gain a better understanding of our target audiences thoughts on the dance genre and what they thought of aspects of it, as ultimately the music video we produce will be for our chosen target audience so it must appeal to them in order for it to be successful.We asked 40 people as it seemed that it was a large enough amount of people in order to collect a wide variety of data that will give us a better understanding of our target as appose to having to rely on a smaller proportion of people to represent our broad target audience.The results in which we gain from out questionnaire will most certainly be used when we continue to further plan our music video as we want to produce a music video that appeals to our target audience especially considering that we have such a large audience to satisfy.


  1. How old are you?
  2. What gender are you?
  3. Do you enjoy dance music?
  4. Do you prefer fast paced or slow paced editing within dance music videos and why?
  5. Do you like the idea of being able to relate to a music video and why?
  6. What style of music video do you prefer and why?
  7. Who is your favourite artist within the dance genre and why?
  8. Do you prefer a video that follows conventions or challenges them?
  9. Have you heard of shift k3y? If so what do you think of him as an artist/performer?
  10. What form of editing do you prefer in a dance music video?
  • Strobe lighting
  • Montage
  • Fast paced
  • Special effects
  • Green screen

The pie chart here shows us that majority of people we had asked within our questionnaire were between the ages of 19-22 and 16-19 which are both apart of out target audience this will help make our research even more useful as this shows us that answers we have received within our questionnaire will fully apply to what we hope to achieve which is a successful music video that appeals to our target audience.In reference to this answer we will then take on board that in fact all 40 people we have asked do in fact into out target audience.

This pie chart shows me that we asked a larger amount of females when handing out our questionnaire which may mean that the answers we have given may be focused on the preference of females more however as it is not significantly more then the males that were asked so the results should not really be biased. Furthermore gender should not have impact on the results in relation to the rest of the questions as either gender can like the same things or have similar opinions. There is nothing we can take on as
such from this information however like i previously said it gives us an indication of the type of people we have asked and allows us to evaluate the answer based on that

 This pie charts shows us that the large majority of people that we have asked do in fact enjoy dance music which of course is advantageous for us as it shows us that our target audience will actually be quite wide as it seems that dance genre has grown in popularity in the last couple years. This reinforces our choice of the dance genre as it has shown as that will have a large audience watching our music video. As a group
we knew that we knew that this question would not satisfy everyone as dance genre is not a genre that everyone particularly likes.Again there is nothing to take on board as such apart from make it clear that we have chosen the right genre for our music video as it the groups favourite genre as well as many other peoples favourite  which should therefor allow our music video to be crated successfully. This will also help as us at it means the large majority of the people we have  questioned will most likely have some sort of knowledge of the dance genre and its music videos.

 The pie chart shows us that overall the large majority have chosen fast paced editing as their preferred style of editing due to various although that does not matter however this is vital information for myself and my group as it tells us that the large majority of target audience would like to fast paced editing within our music video. This is also a common convention of the dance genre in spite of this questionnaire it would have been included however this just reinforces our option as it is clear it is a style of editing that the audience wish to see.

Over all it is clear within this pie chart that the people who have answered our pie chart have preferred to be able to relate to a music video as they want to be able to relate and understand the lyrics within the song. Based on this we will plan our music video  in the direction of relating the scenes within our music video in relation to the lyrics which is not always typically conventional of the dance genre however it is clear it is something that the target audience want to see.

 Based on the pie chart the large majority of those asked like to see narrative used within music videos as they like to see the reasoning and emotion conveyed behind the lyrics, more then a quarter of people liked to see performance included within music videos. In regards to thsi we will then as a group take this into account while planning our music video however to satisfy the target audience we will most likely used the large majority of our music video  to incorporate narrative and possibly some performance for example the use of a DJ. There may also be a small segment of concept used in our music video although this will not be very apparent although there is always an element of concept in narrative based music videos.
The results of this pie chart seem to be relatively even with David Guetta being the top choice as people seemed to really like his positive attitude, although this may not seem like this information is important it is in fact quite vital as It gives us insight as to why people like these artist, is it due to their persona? or their just their music? It was quite clear that is quite a mix of both as people seemed to really like David Guetta due to his personality, Calvin Harris who was the second choice was loved for his mix of pop and dance genre which was obviously quite a popular sub genre of dance music. When looking at this data it will allows us to determine within the planning stage if we want to have out artist featured and if so what sort of personality will the artist have? It is quite clear already that the artist will have to have quite an outgoing personality and ultimately look like he is enjoying himself which should hopefully reciprocate the same emotions in our target audience.

When looking at this pie chart it is clear that the people we asked preferred music video to follows the conventions of the dance genre. With this information we are able to apply this to our music video as we are currently in the planning stage of our music so we can change certain elements of our music video if we feel they do not follow the conventions of the dance genre in enough detail. Certain conventions such as a party/club scene will now most certainly be incorporated into our music video as our target audience have shown us that they prefer to see this in dance music videos.

In order to see how well known our chosen artist was we decided to ask our target audience if they have heard of Shift K3Y and if so what were there thoughts of him, the results were very positive as the large majority of our audience has heard of him and those who has seemed to enjoy his music is  original and vibrant. This does not necessarily provide us with information as to what to include in our music video but it does allow us to see how popular our artist is with our target audience.

Within this pie chart there are various options of the types of editing that our target audience would like to see in our music video, it is clear that strobe lighting got a large majority of votes as well as green screen. These are both two types of editing that will most probably if not most definitely be included within out music video as they satisfy the audience the most. However the other editing styles mentioned in the question will also make an appearance as styles such as fast paced editing and special effects will have to be included as they are conventional to the dance genre as also as a whole make music videos far better visually.

Vox pop:

To be added as the computers at school will not allow me to insert them.

A Vox pop is an interview in which an average person is asked for his or her opinion on a matter of general interest. In this case they were asked the questionnaire that are written above which then allowed us to have a visual representation of the types of people we have asked which were all people from out intended target audience.They were beneficial as it allows us to see how our target audience have reacted to the questions that they have been asked.

Subculture in the music industry is defined by a group of people who unite against a common value system. These people are positioned outside the mainstream with traditional or neophyte (new ideas) that they build onto an existing genre. There is also a tribal/gang rivalry as well as contrasting elements such as attitudes to capitalism and consumerism, links to values and conformity and rebellionWhen studying subculture we came across three different ideas from numerous media theorists. The first one was a man named McCraken who stated that music genres are diverse, creative and dynamic. The post modern world is filled with diversity and music videos dipict dynamic creativity. If we look at the array of values and idealogies we cant say that all sub cultures come from one culture therefore new sub cultures are constantly being created. CCSS ignores Cracken and states that all subcultures come from the mainstream because people want to rebel against it. Pop is the mainstream, therefore people rebel and listen to other Genres. Hebdige came to the conclusion that all subcultures only appear to be different, yet orignate from the same subculture that changes slightly.

Although our music video follows the CCC's theory, it also follows the McCracken's theory. This is because our song is diverse as it appeals to a large target audience. McCracken explains that the post modern world is full of diversity, dynamism and creativity. This can be broken down as music genres are diverse and therefore they appeal to a wide target audience much like our song is. The final theory is Hedbridge theory, he came to the conclusion that although some people think sub cultures only appear to be different but deep down they are the same, he says that if you look deeper, there is enough richness to warrant remaining sub cultures as little cultures. This can be broken down as all subcultures come from the mainstream and little cultures are created as a result of this mainstream.
The sub-culture that most suits our style of music video and the song choice is the CCCS's theory. This theory is like our music video as we are using a dance song therefore we are going against the mainstream genre of music being pop and we are rebelling as we want people to watch our dance music video. The CCCS's theory assumes that all subcultures come from one culture such as people react to the mainstream and want to go against it and be different to what everyone else wants to listen to. As the song we have chosen to use for our music video is a dance genre song, it rebels against the media as it's goes against what they think should be at the top of the charts. The audience that we are targeting in our music video will give us the idea that our song follows the CCC's theory as we understand that they will not follow what the media says as they want to be different and unique.

Within my research I found out more about my target audience and their preferences within the dance genre this therefore allows me to convey these preferences in my music video which should hopefully help make my video more appealing and successful.The results we found will be then discussed within my group during the planning phase and collectively we will make decisions on what to include in our music video in  regards to the data found out in our pie charts.If I was to do more research on this field I would try to ask more people to gain even more reliable data and possibly make some questions more specific in order to help us further.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided an overall basic analysis of your results, explaining what the results show, and what some of the reasons were behind answers; however, you have not always done this, or given specific examples of what you will include as a result

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you explain what you will include (specific examples) within your music video because of your results
    2) Give examples of reasons for peoples' answers for the open questions (Why did they chose the most popular option?) for all questions
    3) Elaborate on your subculture theory paragraph by explaining how your results follow a particular theory as well as how you will follow the theory in your music video
    4) Include vox pops
    5) Think more how the results have benefitted you with planning for your music video
