Friday 23 October 2015

planning artist image

Image in which the artist portrays can often be deemed extremely important by the target audience which therefore makes it imperative to the production of the music video. The artist is the main selling point for the music video as if the target audience do not like the artist they will not feel compelled to watch music video. Various micro elements such as hair, make up, positioning, costume, iconography, setting and cinematography  will all be apart of the artist image. Throughout a music video the artist is either represented as convention or unconventional, we plan to make our artist seem quite conventional which you will see through the numerous micro-elements.

The artist that we have chosen, Shift K3Y will most definitely be presented as a conventional dance which will be shown by creating his image in a certain way, this will hopefully make him seem more attractive to 15 to 25 year old male and females as they are our intended target audience for our music video. The target will be shown as inspirational, successful and influential all these traits should make him appeal far more to the target audience as either gender will aspire to live a similar life that he does within the music video. The extravagant lifestyle in which the artist lives will again be portrayed throughout the video however we will also see a different side to him.

One of the major factors in which will help further portray the artists image is the settings that will be used. The most extraordinary setting that we have in place to use is the Gherkin which will shown in at least the first quarter of the music video where the artist is seen to be sitting at his desk contemplating his decision. There will also be scenes of an expensive restaurant and central London streets.All these settings that we plan on using will make the artist seem of a higher status and very successful at a young age which will appeal to the target audience as they will be of similar, I would argue that this is in fact conventional as artist within the dance genre all seem to be of quite a young age and very successful such as Avicii.The image mirrors the style of our music video as we have gone for a more lavish route in terms of the music video which the artist ties in with as he too si considered to be quite lavish which therefore means the artist and the st6yle of music video both compliment each other.

Additionally we plan to further develop this idea of the artist being of successful and wealthy through the use of iconography. The artist throughout many scenes of the music video will be seen to be wearing an expensive watch and silver bracelet along with an expensive mobile phone.All of these pieces of iconography will be seen in the music video with uses of close ups.As previously mentioned will make the artist seem successful and quite materialistic which is often a symbol of wealth and allows for the audience to recognize these traits further. This should hopefully appeal to out intended target audience as the materialistic items that they will see will reinforce there opinions of the artist

The use of clothing will also be used to further represent the persona of the artist. A relatively large proportion of the music video will show the artist  being well dressed and wearing designer suits along with smart shoes. Again this shows the target audience the artist has quite a high status within society and is very professional which emphasises  his success and maintaining his impressive stature.The target audience will then gain a better understanding of just how successful the artist is as within society materialistic objects such as designer clothing and shoes is often used as an indication for wealth. Furthermore this will add to the inspiration in which the artist provides for the target audience. . Additionally, in later clips this professional presentation will be juxtaposed with the presentation of the artist's vibrant attitude towards club life and a party atmosphere. This will be conveyed through the use of less professional clothing such as jeans and a T-shirt.

The artist for parts of the music video will also be represented in a completely different light as we see him in a vibrant party lifestyle in a central London club which can be seen through the various elements in those scenes, an example of this is the facial expressions that will be completely contrasted from previous scenes.There will be use of close-ups of the club such as shots of the crowd and the artists friends as well as shots of the DJ.This further develops the image of the artist having a more relaxed attitude. This of course is extremely conventional of the dance genre as all music videos in this genre contain some sort of part scene usually within a club or a house party. The more conventional representation of the artist will still appeal to the target audience they will feel like they are able to relate more with the artist as they too will like to party.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some planning techniques. You have made a start in considering the various clothes that your artist will wear and where it will be featured in your music video. However, you need to be more specific with the type of clothing.

    1) Develop clothing examples
    2) Include images to support the points that you have made
    3) Explore how the artist image will help a relationship to be formed with the audience
    4) Include lyrics to support the points that you have made
