Thursday 12 November 2015

filming schedule

      Film schedules allow the group as a whole to become more planned and organised as we had set dates and times to produce certain shots. They are also important to have as they allow us to plan ahead what iconography,customers, personnel etc is needed for certain shots before hand so they are brought to each setting. The filming schedule also gives the group a greater understanding of the types of iconography that are needed to be used for each filming session and what is needed to be included in them. Overall this benefits us as it makes the process more effective and efficient. 

      Generally as a group we were able to stick to the filming schedule that we have produced, fortunately the settings that we had planned on using were suitable as they were either not exceptionally busy or unavailable to us which was a fear we had leading up to our filming dates. However a few scenes had to be changed or not filmed such as the scenes that show the artist walking out of the Gherkin and office as we were unsure whether we were able to film in certain parts of the building and there were also other factors which could be a problem such as the weather . The front entrance of the building was busy and more importantly too dark for our camera to be used which therefore means we had no choice but to leave this out of our filming. We have not needed to include any additional scenes into our filming schedule as we have included quite a wide variety of different settings however while editing if we have any gaps within our music video we may decide to include extra scenes in order to make the narrative flow better. The role of the filming schedule has allowed to become more organised when filming as this ensures we stick to dates and the certain scenes that need to be filmed in the lead up to our deadline for a roughcut, although it is more of a basic outline of what needs to be achieved and does not have to he strictly stuck to as the group may come up with ideas that fit the narrative better when they are at the setting. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what a filming schedule is and the purpose that it has to a production. The table that you have included demonstrates some evidence of group planning. Your conclusion also demonstrates some understanding of what you would do differently in your next production, but you need to elaborate on the points that you have included.

    1) Elaborate on points
    2) Include dates and times in your schedule
