Sunday 8 November 2015

Storyboard- Miss.Georgiou

You The story board itself has a effective role in ordering the shots that the group aims to cover in a sequential manor. The story board for any media film plans the footage from start to finish and allows the crew members to be organised and know what style of shot needs to be used, the location in which it is set plus other various factors. The storyboard covers what actors are in what shots, how long the frame lasts and also the type of editing is needed although that is used more for post production.  The production process is made far more efficient by using the story boards and therefore is a useful tool to use when producing a music video as it provides structure and also creates a better idea of what needs to be filmed within a certain time frame . Our ideas were planned as group and then we proceeded to create the storyboards before we decided to film our music video..The story boards additional purpose was also to change and improve our original ideas as a group and see what will look the best and make our video more successful for our target audience.

Overall our research was mainly focused on what our target audience would find aesthetically pleasing as well as the type of content in which our demographic likes to see within dance music videos. . We wanted to include as many aspects as we could that our target audience would want to see and what they liked based on the findings from our vox pops and questionnaires. The findings of our research was therefore heavily influential when creating our storyboards as we aimed to create a music video that was relatively conventional to the dance genre as well as incorporate the majority preferences of our audience such include the use of strobe lighting within our music video.The content within the video was found enjoyable by our target audience and we used this when creating our story board. Based on our primary and secondary research we made the large entirety of our story board a narrative as based on our questionnaire of our target audience this was a style of music video that they preferred. We incorporated this into the story board and aimed to build a relationship between the lyrics being sung and the on screen visuals.

Creating the storyboard as a group allowed all of us to voice our opinion about  how we wanted our music video to appear in relation to certain elements of the narrative . We kept in mind specific aspects from our primary and secondary research which we knew were quite vital to include however we also decided to incorporate our own ideas into the music video. We wanted a variety of shots , angles and editing techniques to be used throughout the music video to make it more appealing to the audience, all of which are mentioned within our storyboards at the exact scenes which makes production far more easier. We wanted to throughly plan our video before we took it too filming, and we also had a discussion of how and when we would film each scene to insure our time was most effective. Overall the message from all group members was that we wanted to put what the public said into our video, convey to genres and also keep in mind the visual and artist relationship which we of course wanted to be strong.

Between the pair of us we designated different roles to each other in regards to the storyboard . This made the discussion regarding what and when we wanted to film more suitable, and we could spend our time more efficiently whilst taking in turns to create each frame.I drew the images however as there is only two of us in the group we still continued to discuss what would be in each scene/frame. We already had an idea of what we wanted, therefore sharing the responsibility was easy as we had a common goal of what we wanted and knew how we wanted the video to look and what would appeal to our target audience and the dance genre. This uniformed process ensured that we were all happy with the storyboards.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some proficient understanding of why storyboards are essential to carry out. You have made a start in considering some of the inspirations that you gained from your research, but you need to ensure that these points are detailed and that you have related your points to detailed examples, to demonstrate further planning techniques.

    1) Explore your research points into primary and secondary research in more detail, by relating to detailed examples
    2) Add a conclusion to explain if you followed your storyboard plans, or if you made any changes
