Monday 9 November 2015

planning magazine advert

      The importance of the magazine adverts in relation to promoting horses album is very high as ultimately for the artists album to sell the needs to be a wide variety of marketing used which includes magazine adverts. the  use of magazine adverts tend to be quite effective as the magazines that the advertisements are placed in tend to be aimed at the exact demographic that the artist is aiming for which therefore makes this process also more efficient as last time and money is wasted on more general advertisement, for example and artists like Calvin Harris may advertise his new album or single in a more pop or dance culture magazine. I too will be creating a magazine adverts for our chosen artists album, the adverts must be healing to our target audience as the aim is to gather more awareness of the album which can only be achieved if the advert is aesthetically pleasing along with a few other elements. Do use of planning is considered important when creating a magazine adverts as you need to ensure that you are covering all the points that are needed in order to create a successful magazine, for example relatable images, A clear layout and design, Vibrant colours etc.

       In reference to colours throughout my magazine advert I have decided to use vibrant colours as this sticks to the conventions of the genre as well as being more aesthetically appealing to the audience, it also stands out more when the retail told audiences looking for the magazine would therefore helps the advert become more apparent. They have been uses of colours such as red, blue ,green, black and yellow all of which sector theme of vibrant colours, although I have used the colour black which may not be considered vibrant it was essential to be used as it helped certain elements of my poster stand out more as a contrast the well with the vibrant colours. As previously mentioned the colours I've made my magazine poster seem more appealing to the audience as it stands out more, it makes the magazine seem more applicable as they are able to relate the vibrant colours with other magazine adverts that they have made have seen from supplementary dance artists. It promotes artist effectively as it makes him seem as if his quad for lace of all to dance genre as the type of colours are found within club and party settings which are typical connotations that the audience like to associate with.

       The magazine advert I have created would be considered quite conventional as in comparison to other artists such as Calvin Harris or example they all seem to have a relatively similar theme, which is high contrast between vibrant colours, and tend to give the audience a sense of the theme from the picture used in the advertisement. My reason for wanting to adhere to the convention of the dance genre is simply that the target audience based on research seem to prefer more conventional aspects of the dance genre such as the common connotations such as partying, vibrant colours an the use of special effects. There are other aspects of the advert that are conventional such as the name of the album album which is Urban Lights, this again gives the audience by slights snapshot of the general theme of the album as well as being conventional as it is Something that is associated with the dance genre.

      The images used within this magazine advert consist of the gherkin building, the artist and a club setting. My reason of using the dark in and the top is that it is simply that it tells the target audience more information about the artists, it shows that is are both two different worlds and which the artists lives in. The Gherkin is the artists place of work which shows the audience that they successful and can be seen as inspirational as to work in a building such as this takes hard work, it is also a largely used setting within our music video which fathers shows its significance to the target audience. The club setting has been used to again make the magazine advert more conventional however it does relate to the storyline of one of the songs were in the Album as the artist is seen to clearly enjoy partying and clubbing.  These images will appeal to our target audience as they are again contrasts which seems to be quite popular within the dance genre and will create more nostalgia around our album which should hopefully entice audience to buy our album in order to find out more. The images you promote our artist affectively as it shows yes two sides to his last one being a professional working lifestyle and the other being clubbing and partying which is often something the audience can relate to as they to tend to have this split in the their own lives.
      The overall layout and design of the magazine adverts is quite simply stick with the images taking the large proportion of the magazine advert however there is also the use of typography and the bottom and at the side. The reason for the name of the artists and the release date being at the bottom of the magazine and that is that it shows that it is a little less important than the images of the advert as the audience will know the artist already however they will have to take notice of the release date which is written in a large font with colourful writing or should help to ensure this. As previously mentioned the design of the magazine advert is to show the target audience the lifestyle the artist has which is the working lifestyle and clubbing lifestyle.

       The typography used within the magazine advert is clearly quite simple however my approach is to have a more complex set of images and concept of the advert as opposed to intricate typography. The typography only needs to inform the target audience of various at seven for Mason such as the release date, artist name and album. Intricate typography will not be a major factor in terms of making the magazine advert seem more appealing however I will incorporate various vibrant colours within the typography in order to make it stand out further to the audience as ultimately we do want them to remember the release date and the album name. The use of the name of the lights will be considered quite conventional to the dance genre as the use of various lighting within this genre is an extremely important element, for example in our only music video we incorporated the use of many different lighting sound such a strobe lighting which will relate in some mannerisms to the album name. The album name also relates to the magazine advert as the use of lights is quite coherent within the club image, which shows a direct correlation.

      The use of language within my magazine advert consists of the album name “Urban Lights”, this name has a relation to the artists lifestyles as it clearly has a direct link with the star of lighting which is used around party or clubbing environments as well as London’s start of lighting at night which is something the artist can see from his office. The show is the artist to someone who is quite modern and leads a city lifestyle. This name promotes conventions of the dance genre as the use of vibrant lighting stars is commonly used within dance music videos and club settings which may make this name more relatable to this particular genre.

     By planning my magazine adverts it has allowed me to become more aware of the type of pictures that are needed in order to execute is my day as during the planning phase I have to think ahead as to how I would take the pictures which I was drawing which could become an achievable however fortunately as I thought ahead I was able to create a concept which is executable relatively easily with the use of photo shop and a few images. This was useful in relation to Photo shop as it allows me to plan what aspects of my magazine advert would need to be answered within the software.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic analysis of your plan, explaining why you have chosen some elements to use within your advert; but SPAG has not been paid attention to at all, meaning that is unclear what you are trying to say.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you check SPAG (intro mentions something about a horse?!)
    2) Make sure you explain all elements fully in terms of what they create for the audience and how it will help promote the artist - your points are too brief and summed up
    3) Elaborate on some of your points by explaining how you want elements used to represent and promote the artist, and the different connotations/meanings/messages behind each element used
    4) Elaborate on your 'style of language section' by mentioning is you will have any reviews/comments on it etc.
    5) Include where you have taken inspirations from
