Sunday 15 November 2015

risk assesment

The purpose of a risk assessment is to provide all members of the a group an idea of the potential risks that could arise when filming and allows them to plan various ways in order to prevent them. If the prevention methods still do not work there is still a back up plan written in the risk assessment to ensure either way the required task is still able to take place.It is important to consider before filming as allows the group to be aware of the potential dangers when filming.

While filming we were fortunate to not encounter many more risks as the environments that we had used were mostly under the control of the group, apart from the filming at embankment which did not cause any risks to the filming as we used this setting at a less busy time period which minimised risk. There was a small consumption of alcohol used at the office setting however it was only a very small amount as was not continuously consumed throughout, the actor eventually pretended to drink the alcohol in order to minimise any risk. The role of the risk assessment proves to be quite important as before filming takes place we know how to prevent the chance of any of the listed risks from happening which therefore makes filming more efficient and faster. More efficient filming allows for the chance of extra scenes being filmed if they are needed or for any altercations to be made whilst still being within the time allocated to these scenes.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what a risk assessment is and the purpose that it has to a production. The table that you have included, demonstrates some evidence of group planning that has been taken, as it is clear to see that you have considered the risks of your production. However, you need to ensure that you have considered your group storyboards in further detail.

    Elaborate on the points that you have included in your conclusion, by explaining what you would do differently the next time you film, to avoid any further risks.
