Monday 4 January 2016

Music Inspiration- Miss.Gerogiou

Throughout my research inspirations have been a key been aspect in terms of planning for my music video.These inspirations are essential as they allow us as a group to take certain elements from other music videos regardless of genre and incorporate similar concepts into out own. Through the inspirations we are also able to spot conventions when looking at other dance genre videos which are quite essential for us as we need to incorporate these in order for our music video to be more conventions, for example the use of fast paced editing in certain music videos.
The first inspiration that we identified when researching for inspirations was "Touch" by Shift K3Y", from this music video we were able to find certain elements such as strobe and neon lighting that we would like to incorporate into our own music video. The strobe and neon lighting used throughout this music video shows a wide variety of colours such as orange,blue,pink and green which are on a black background which helps for them to further stand out. The music video Touch is mainly based around performance with the artist singing and dancing and throughout, this is a style that we have not decided to incorporate into our own music video as we fill the use of narrative is more appealing to the target audience. Throughout the music video you artists it is represented as quite musically talented through his singing in the video, as well as this he seems to look like he is quite comfortable with women which there is evidence of from the  flirtatious facial expression from the female in many of the scenes. I also took inspiration from some of the editing styles used such as the jump cuts which are placed in tempo with the beat of the song, this also matches Goodwins theory as like previously mentioned the video matches the beat of the song. The jump cuts help to give the music video a sense of excitement for the target audience which should hopefully make our music video more appealing. The use of Goodwin's theory through jump cuts may also benefit the audience; by matching the visuals with the lyrics the audience may feel more connected to the lyrics, this will help them engage with the artist throughout the video. 

Additionally as a group we also take inspiration from the song "club can't handle me" by Flo Rider. Our main and only real inspiration from this music video was the repeated use of the club setting, other microorganisms such as cinematography and lighting helped to portray the club setting in a more vibrant and fun atmosphere. In reference to the lighting there was use of colourful and vibrant lights which made it even more apparent as to how essential lighting techniques are in order to create an effective setting. These micro elements benefit us as they follow conventions of the dance genre. From the music video we have also Decided to use long shots In in the club setting this allows the audience to see more of the surroundings and the emotions that are admitted within the party atmosphere which are quite key when it comes to the dance genre. The artist is represented as someone who likes to have a good time within the club setting and clearly has fun which is a similar representation that we wish for our artist to have.

Another dance video that i gained further inspiration from was Levels by Avicii. The main inspiration taken from this video was the office setting at the beginning, it was a relatable setting which had not been used in many dance music videos which therefore also made it unique. This setting along with the club setting allowed us to show a contrast of dull and exciting atmosphere which many of the target audience will have experienced. The use of this setting will help the audience to get a better idea of the artists persona and general representation of himself. The artist for Levels is not actually shown in his music video as it consists of just performance and narrative which doesn't allow for us to to take any inspiration. The relate what setting does not comply attend the conventions of the dance genre however it will allow the target audience to create a better relationship with the artist. The target audience will be able to relate to the office setting and the club setting and the emotions they have towards both, they will also be able to say how successfully artist this which may make him also more desirable to the audience.

Although this music video is a not from the dance genre we were still able to take inspirations from it.Editing plays a key role in the style of the music video and makes the music video far more spectacular. In the video the colour filters many times whilst drake is in a bedroom, the lights are fast moving and quickly flash from blue to red and also yellow. This shows the audience that Drake has a fast paced life style which is a similar style of life that we hope our artist will present. Goodwin's theory is also used  as it matches with what he is saying 'I know way to many people that I didn't know last year' as the people being shown are blurry and unrecognisable, which shows a clear relationship between the lyrics and the visuals.The majority of this music video if not all of it is performance which tends to be the case with rap genre music videos, however this is not the direction that we plan to have for our music video. In terms of conventions this music video is not very conventional as again it is not from the dance genre however certain things such as the coloured filters could be considered conventional to the dance genre as they tend to be used quite a lot which is why they will be incorporated into our own music video.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding why music inspirations are essential to consider. You have made a start in considering a variety of points and have briefly described your reasons for selecting a music video. But you need to ensure that you have fully discussed the ways in which the music video will assist you with planning and constructing your music video. This can be achieved, by considering the style and genre of your music video in more detail throughout.

    1) Elaborate on the ways in which you will use the inspiration within your own production, by considering your music video in further detail throughout.
    2) Include one more inspiration, so that this post included 5 different elements
