Sunday 5 July 2015

research into goodwins theory

Analysing music videos are important as it allows us to break down the conventions that are expected to be seen within a music video. A music video would typically consist of dancing, singing or instruments, depending on what type of genre the music video comes under. The theory that i am analysing throughout this post is Goodwins theory that contains seven key characteristics that a large majority of music should have.  I looked at the music video domino by Jessie J as this has the seven characterises that need to be covered.

The first point Goodwin expects to see is how the music video demonstrates genre characterises. Within this music video Jessie J uses a semi dance routine as she repeats the same dance moves over, but she try’s to hide it to look like she is just dancing to her song. It is event that she dances throughout the music video to make the song seem like a dance song.This is quite conventional of the pop genre as they very often feature the artist involved in some sort of a dance routine which is evident in this music video. The target audience will most likely enjoy the use of the dance genre as it is something they are used to seeing so therefore it is expected and most likely will be enjoyed.
The second characteristic that Goodwin expects to see covered with a music video is the relationship between lyrics and visuals. This was evident when she sings “ head spinning out of control” and then she spins her head and her body also seems to spin out of control Also the green screen shows her moods during the song, therefore the lyrics and visuals match up. The purpose of this is too show that during her song, there are different emotions such as happy, confused and angry. It would appeal to a target audience as the audience would go through all these emotions throughout their lives therefore she is relating to them.Its evident through research that again this seems to be quite a conventional characteristic of the pop genre as it allows the target audience to build a greater relationship with lyrics and the artist.
The third element would be the relationship between the music and visuals. This is evident as Jessie J is dancing to the beat throughout the music video and It shows  the audience that the song and the beat are easily able to be danced to . This would then appeal to the target audience as the age group she is targeting would want to listen and buy that song. The purpose would be too sell more albums and songs to make more profit. Songs within the pop genre do tend to have an up beat which is again makes this video further conventional within the pop genre although there is also a large amount of sadistic songs within the genre so it seems there are quite a few conventions.
The next element is the demand of a label to make the artist a label. The producers have done this within Jessie J’s video as they have close ups on her to show her facial expressions which seem to repeat throughout the whole music video quite often. Also it is evident throughout the different fashion she uses and wears, showing that she wears them clothes therefore the target audience would want to follow her. This would then promote the fashion therefore making her a fashion icon and label. The target audience would want to wear her clothes and copy her style. 
The fifth point that Goodwin wants to see is the frequent reference to nation of looking and particular voyeuristism between the female bodies. It is evident in the music video from the long shot when her whole body is in a short skirt and she wears stockings. This is to get male attention, as her video is stereotypically to be for girls. This would therefore make her target audience range larger therefore selling more albums.
The sixth element needed is there often intertexual reference to films,magazines and TV programmes. This is evident when she wears boy London clothes and when it has an extreme close up on PiageT watch. This is then promoting them clothes and watches that she wears. This would then make her audience want to go out and buy them clothes to be like her, it would then lead to her being a face of a certain brand and then making more money.
The last element that Goodwins expects to see in a music video is whether its is primarily based on performance, narrative or concept based. This music video was predominately performance as   she is constantly dancing and singing within her music video. Jessie J has done this to show the video has no other purpose except for being a dance video. It would make the audience see that it is purely a dance video.
Looking at this theory it has helped me to break down conventions of a music video. During the production of my music video I will look at the characteristics and try to include Goodwins theory to help it become conventional. This post will enable to me to look at the conventions in more detail and to follow conventions rather than break them which is what some music videos do.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of Goodwin's theory demonstrates some understanding of the music video theory. You have identified the main points and have related your points to the examples from the music video, however, the points that you have included are too brief and need to be discussed further.

    This can be achieved by-
    1) Relating the theory back to the pop genre and target audience
    2) Discussing the role of the theory in further detail
    3) Use screenshots to support the points that you have made
    4) Explain which characteristics you would like to include and why?
